08-05-2022: This morning there was little wind so i rode on the bike along the water in search of carp. Soon I managed to catch two carp, but when the wind got stronger again they didn't want to bite anymore.
13-05-2022 till 16-05-2022: A nice weekend of fishing with former colleagues in a Dutch pond. Finally caught 3 carp and a tench.
26-05-2022 till 29-05-2022: Finally another big but short fishing holiday. On Thursday we flew with the whole family to Barcelona and drive from here to the Ebro Delta. On Friday and Saturday we went fishing on the Ebro Delta with a boat and on Sunday we flew back to the Netherlands. Unfortunately we couldn't fish at sea due the strong wind, but it was doable in the river Ebro. Unfortunately, this meant that we were unable to catch many species of fish. Fortunately, the bluefish were well caught despite the fact that many also managed to escape. A nice weekend, a nice skipper, nice weather and nice fish, what more could we want!?