01-03-2019: In March there is always a lot of uncertainty whether you can still fish for pike. No, the rods do not have to be put away this month! In March, you may still fish for pike, but you must immediately put it back into the water where you caught it. But of course we always do this! So we can still fish for a month on our polder shark.

06-03-2019: Despite the rain it was a nice afternoon fishing. The waters in a neighborhood were fished and two pike were caught. They are not the most beautiful pictures because it is always a little searching how I should put the camera when I am alone.

07-03-2019: Ladies and gentlemen we got him! On 20-02-2019 I wrote that we had seen a pike in a ditch but that we did not catch it. Today it finally happened! The pike was smaller than expected but the pleasure is not less.

10-03-2019: Normally my youngest son is never very enthausiast to go fishing, today there was a heavy storm with a lot of rain at a temperature of 8 degrees and what he want to do ..... fishing! Together with my eldest son he stood under a bridge for an hour and managed to catch 2 perch. Now I have to mention that my wife was busy with her annual clean-up action so that will have played a part in his decision to go fishing with this weather..

15-03-2019: Today we went trout fishing in the ponds of trout fishing pond oetz. In total we managed to catch 9 trout that are now on winter sports in my freezer.


If we give a point for each trout, the score was:

-Dad: 1 point
-Mom: 1 point
-My youngest son: 2 points
-My daughter: 2 points
-My eldest son: 3 points

18-03-2019: A tip for the fishermen who live near Amersfoort. On the internet you can bid until 25 March on fishing tackle articles from the bankruptcy of Anglingshop BHC Best in Amersfoort.


20-03-2019 till 23-03-2019: Just 3 nights fishing on Timmy lake, one of the lakes of Karperhoeve. Everything went well this week, the weather was perfect and new fish had just been put on the pond on Monday. I managed to catch 5 carp with a zig-rig and my wife a carp with the chod-rig. These rigs are really recommended considering the many weeds on the lake.

29-03-2019: The last few days I have been working several night shifts so no time for fishing. I did receive the books to get my boat license. Do you wonder why !? The answer will come in September;)