07-08-2022: After a 3 week holiday with the children, my wife and I were ready for a weekend away together. Because my wife wanted to go shopping in the German city of Kleve, we booked a hotel in the Netherlands near the German border. And of course there was also an evening fishing.

I don't know if a day permit allows you to fish at more places, but my permit only allowed me to fish in a small part of the river The Rijn.

The only place on the north side of De Rijn where I was allowed to fish with my permit.

Fishing allowed.

Fishing Forbidden.

Other fishing permit required.

13-08-2022:Today was perch day. Actually I had hoped to catch a pike but they probably didn't want to bite because of the hot weather.

20-08-2022: Finally, the temperatures are starting to drop again. And with a little wind it will be nice pike weather again.

21-08-2022: It can't always be big pike that we catch. But this give me confidence in the future.

30-08-2022: Augustes was not the best fishing month, but still a nice end