03-06-2022 till 06-06-2022: I had already fished in all the lakes of Karperhoeve except for Coopers lake. This weekend the time had come and we could also fish in this lake. After a difficult start on Friday and Saturday, Sunday finally went well and we managed to catch a total of 9 carp, 2 gibel carp and a catfish.
18-06-2022:Unfortunately not a very good fishing day, but the first asp of 2022 has been caught.
19-06-2022: Another fun day fishing for carp.
After dinner my oldest son and I went for a walk with surface bait. After a few followers we managed to catch this beautiful pike.
20-06-2022: It was a long day of waiting, but in the end.............. Boemmmmmmm.
20-06-2022: I don't know how this bass thought to eat the lure.
21-06-2022: Today the catches with two carp were actually disappointing. Well, it doesn't always work out.