03-08-2018 till 06-08-2018: It seems like there is no end to the summer because even during the weekend fishing at the plashuis we got temperatures of far above 30 degrees. Despite the bad catches, we managed to catch a beautiful mirror carp. The children managed to catch 88 breams, 328 roaches, 2 perch and a ruffe. What a great place and that in the middle of the Netherlands! 

08-08-2018: Today I was fishing in the Nieuwe waterweg at Hoek van Holland with one of my fishing friends. i caught three kessler gobies and my friend two bass and a nice flounder.

18-08-2018: While my wife and I were cycling, my eldest son caught 9 bass in the canal behind our house.

19-08-2018: Sometimes I do not know with certainty what I caught, especially when i fish in brackish water I can theoretically have both fresh and salt water fish on the line. Probably today we caught a ide and 16 young asp. However, I dare not say this with 100% certainty.

26-08-2018: While my wife and kids were swimming, I went fishing in a ditch for the pool for two hours. Several small carps passed my feeding places just when I wanted to give up, this carp took my bait.