01-01-2021: While the whole world is positive about 2021, I am afraid that this year will also fall in the same picture as 2020. I do not believe that we will get corona completely under control this year. Fortunately, there are still plenty of opportunities in the short term to mourn where we canfish.


What will we do (hopefully) in 2021:

-Two weekends fishing for pike with dead bait from a house in the Netherlands.

-Visit several trout ponds in the south of the Netherlands.

-A midweek carp fishing in Belgium. 

-A weekend carp fishing in Belgium. 

-Two weeks fishing in Norway.

-A week  carp fishing in Morocco. 

15-01-2021 till 17-01-2021:Last weekend we went pike fishing in Leimuiden. After a cold Saturday we managed to catch a nice pike on Sunday morning. The first fish of 2021.

Saturday morning 10 am

Saturday afternoon 4:00 PM